Finding a Path to Major Gifts and Planned Gifts
Learn about the major gifts process and how to lay the foundation for a successful planned giving program for your organization.
Apr 25, 2023
12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Alex DeVivo, Director of Gift Planning, Office of Development & Alumni Affairs, University of Hartford; and Jennifer Keyo, Planned Giving Society of CT
This basic level workshop will be broken down into two sessions:
Session 1: Finding a Path to Major Gifts
If you want a more robust major gift pipeline, join us for an interactive workshop to better understand how key indicators and metrics in a prospect management system will fill your major gift pipeline.
Session 2: Finding a Path to Planned Gifts
The ultimate gift to an organization is a planned gift. Join us for the who, what, and why of planned giving. Learn simple ways to start asking for planned gifts to your organization.
Invite your board members – The fundraising workshops are intended for both board and staff, and take place at lunch time to help facilitate maximum participation!
Questions? Please contact Stephanie Chung.